Thursday 24 December 2009

Motivation, preferences and conditioning our behaviour (Part 2)

I'll try to explain a bit more my arguments for saying:

“The data provided by the user is not really useful”

Taking the paper “Behavioral Forecasts Do Not Improve the Prediction
of Future Behavior: A Prospective Study of Self-Injury”
written by Irene Belle Janis and Matthew K. Nock at Harvard University where they write:

“…social psychology researchers have demonstrated in various studies that people are limited and often inaccurate in their ability to predict future emotions and behaviour…”

They write some examples where has been demonstrated that the people use to mispredict their emotions, examples like winning the lottery or having accidents…

And from my point of view there is a strong relation between emotions and behaviour with motivation and preferences. Because in principle they should have a strong motivation when his preferences are kept, however taking into consideration that the preferences are defined based on the thinking process of the user who tries to evaluate his preferences by criteria like his motivation estimated, we can have a problem. The emotion and the behaviour are part of the motivation, and possibly, we can have a problem.

Maybe these kind of affirmation are obvious, at least for me not.

Also the paper say that the methodology for predicting the behaviour future is the study of the past behaviour, however they tell that it is not demonstrated.

But it's a good starting point to apply this kind of phsycology theories to my research.

When I had read more about this, I'll try to write more about it.

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